I spent last night doing my mind map about equality of the world and what slows down the development towards it. Even though Gapminder taught me that the world is not as unequal as I thought, we still have a long way to go. When doing my mind map it came to my mind that there are still so many problems on the way of equality. We have a long way to go. Laws can be easily changed and money raised to the poor, hunger and diseases can be cured, but how do we change people's minds and attitudes? Like said in the previous post, personal rights have gone only worse during the last couple of years. How do we stop misogynism? How do we tell the conservative Islamic countries that women deserve the same rights as men or to African people that mutilating women is wrong when they have practised these things for centuries? My mind map about things slowing down progress towards equality. I know that the world has gone forward too, good examples are the gay rights laws during the last couple of...